Transformers (2007 / USA) Almost every aspect of this was a disappointment to me. I was willing to suspend judgement over the teen romance sub-plot and the Saturday-morning-cartoon humour as these are part and parcel of such a Hollywood blockbuster. The aspects that got to me where the ones that should’ve been there to appease the other demographics. The robots all looked the same, moved unconvincingly and were nothing like the battle hardened soldiers they’re meant to be. The battles between them (especially the finale) were woefully choreographed, confusing and just plain dull. Kiddies only methinks.
Resident Evil: Extinction (2007 / USA)
A different type of film to previous instalments with the undead taking centre stage in something akin to Day of the Dead meets Mad Max 2. The preposterous “big scenes” are surprisingly amusing, as is the main premise, as a much needed sense of tongue in cheek has crept in to the series. The quality of the zombies is worthy of mention also, if that’s of priority to you then this is a must see. Otherwise if you’re up for some harmless fun you could do worse than this.
Infection (2004 / Japan)
Interesting but slow J-Horror which does it’s best to be clever and different. Notable for its disturbing atmosphere but let down by the dull death sequences. Overall a fairly average addition to the genre (complete mandatory confusing twist at the end).
Beetlejuice (1988 / USA)
A hotch-potch, nonsense of a film only worth a watch due to it’s quality non-CGI special effects and genuinely dark scenes / imagery of the afterlife.
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