To begin with I got a feeling of “here we go again” whilst playing the first couple of missions. The level of freedom afforded the player is negligible as you follow your team-mates around with little impact on what is happening. But as you begin to progress through the levels you gradually get more responsibility and the maps begin to open up allowing for various angles of approach. Its during the scripted moments that you begin to appreciate the level of sophistication of the AI. Their use of the cover and group tactics aren’t the best you’ve ever seen but the overarching strategy of each situation tests your wits as well as you reflexes, they really do make you work hard!
The variety of the levels is fantastic, both in terms of location and operation. You could be sniping in a Russian backwater, running and gunning in a nuclear bunker, slowly infiltrating an Islamic TV station or making a night-vision guided bombing raid. Throughout the atmosphere is spot on. The graphics are always full of detail and lighting effects but it’s the sounds of the soldiers, both your teammates and the enemy, and the flying ordinance buzzing past your head that really makes you feel like you’re in the maelstrom of battle.
The single player campaign is only about 6-8 hours long (at the most) but it does offer plenty of replayibility with a high-score driven arcade mode and unlockables. Really though, it’s the multiplayer that offers the endless hours of gaming that will prevent you from trading this in. Everything about the online mode reeks of class. The sleek interface, easy set-up and countless options have set the bar for the PS3 online experience. The level of customization you can carry out is truly awe inspiring from the umpteen different game modes to the uber-tweakable character classes. The gradual way all of this unlocks gives great incentive to keep playing and improving as every few experience points earned brings you one step closer to a new gun or ability. Challenges are there for each weapon to upgrade them (eg get 25kills to add a red-laser sight) as well as more general challenges that earn bonus experience points (and unlock further challenges!). Such distractions are very welcome as you learn the unforgiving online game but once you get your skills up to scratch you can begin to appreciate all of the customizations and tweaks that are there for you. Coupled with the depth and variety of the maps available theres enough to keep you going for a very long time.
Overall it’s hard to fault the game. Yes, the single player is short but it’s a case of the wheat being cut from the chaff as theres little or no repetition or padding in the missions. If you want an online FPS for your PS3, this is the one.
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