Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Movie Round-up

Fantastic Four (2005 / USA)

Having seen this universally panned and derided I was expecting much worse than what is still no more than average superhero fare. Every aspect is quite competent and a whole lot more entertaining than Superman Returns or Transformers. Although like the latter it really is just one for the kids.

The Eye 2 (2004 / Hong Kong)

Well made and with decent production values as you would expect from the Pang Brothers. This pseudo horror starts well with some anxious scenes but loses something when later it tries to search for explanations and confrontations in a similar fashion to the prequel.

Last King of Scotland (2006 / UK)

A great film only let down by a lead character that never gains your affection as his naivety and innocence comes across as arrogance and ignorance. Magnificent performance by Forest Whittaker.

Elektra (2005 / USA)

Martial arts nonsense with decent special effects and enjoyable action scenes amidst all the eastern mysticism hokum. Still pales in comparison to its Asian counterparts.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The main character is not supposed to be likable. It isn't innocence that gets him into the situation, it is blatant ignorance. We are supposed to feel a certain animosity towards him, if you ask me, for not even bothering to read a newspaper, or look further than the palace walls for an insight into Ameens true nature. Even the other characters in the film feel this way...just look at how Scully's characters looked at him with what could only be called disgust out the bus window.
I don't think that his performance takes from the film in any way.

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