Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Movie Views

The Happening (2008 / USA)

What begins with some promise (and Shylaman’s trademark atmosphere) ends up petering-out before long and results in a post-apocalyptic “lite”(as the yanks would say) experience

Cannibal Ferox (1981 / USA)
A bizarre mix
of social commentary and gorey, shock-horror mirrored in the jarring scene switching between the locales of New York City and the Amazon jungle. Strangely effective though and worth a look (if you can stomach it!)

The Hamiltons (2006 / USA)
A low budget but skilfully directed horror with a genuinely creepy atmosphere. The disturbed characters and innovative finale make this a gem and well worth looking up for fans of the genre.

The Evil Dead (1981 / USA)
A schlock-horror classic due to the harrowing intensity it maintains during even the most ridiculously cheesy of scenes. Brilliant.

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