Monday, March 16, 2009

Movie Round Up

My Little Eye (UK/USA 2002)

The reality TV scenario provides a great backdrop for skilfully crafted tension percolated with some great jumps and surprises. The audience is kept guessing right up to the twists in the finale in what is a superior horror.

Sex Drive (USA/2008)

bove average teen comedy whose characters help redress the balance of the generic plot. The obnoxious older-brother steels the show but is unfortunately not featured a lot. The comedy element begins to run out of steam towards the end, when the inevitable romance takes over, but its amusing whilst it lasts.

Dead or Alive (Japan/2000)

Wacky characters and an even stranger sense of humour are what you expect from Takashi Miike, and this Yakuza tale is no different. After an incomprehensible opening, the plot takes a while to come together but what it lacks in pace it makes up for with atmosphere.

Suspiria (Italy/1977)

All the effort in this dull horror appears to have gone on set design and mood lighting. The best moments are saved for the final 20mins or so but the viewer will be quite weary of the pathetic attempts to create suspense they’ve had to endure for the previous hour or so.

The International (USA/Germany /2009)

This pseudo-intelligent thriller disappoints on all fronts. It drags the audience by the nose through an irksome plot at an unbearably
pedestrian pace. It is riddled with pointless and ill-conceived scenes that can’t cover the cracks of this clueless mish-mash of a film.

The Ruins (USA /2008)

A grizzly horror with some great gorey moments and a couple of well thought-out scenes. A good pace coupled with the lingering tension makes for a movie that will appease horror fans.

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